martes, 2 de julio de 2013

A new song (the tittle)


I don't understand how something
can be destroyed.
Sometimes suppose attitudes and feelings.
Nice first, uncomfortable after
Sometimes it is better to talk than keep quiet.
How will it end?

A new song is created but without musical notes.
A new lyric without meaningless
I would like to talk but I'm not sure how to sing.
I just want to be a good musical note.

When someone to say nothing happens,
actually happens a lot.
If I could be brave, I could explain this song
and would be as before.

A new song is created but without musical notes.
A new lyric without meaningless
I would like to talk but I'm not sure how to sing.
I just want to be two good friends musical notes.

A new song is created but without musical notes.
A new lyric without meaningless
I would like to talk but I'm not sure how to sing.
I just want to be two good friends musical notes.

By Hannah

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Un clavo no saca a otro clavo

Un clavo no saca a otro clavo...

Por muchos, es bien conocido este famoso dicho. 
Cuando un clavo se atasca en el pequeño trozo de madera, se intenta sacar con otro clavo. Pero a veces no somos conscientes de que quizás nuestro trozo de madera esté revestido por una capa de hormigón. Esto por tanto dificulta mucho la salida del clavo. 

¿Qué sucede? Dependerá mucho de si el nuevo clavo viene con la suficiente fuerza y potencia que necesita para llegar a su cometido. ¿Y si lo consigue? ...

Conclusión: Déjate de clavos... ¡Usa un martillo!

By: hannah